Shoe Cover FAQs
Are they really waterproof?
For the Tall Shoe Covers, make sure to put on the shoe coverBEFORE your shoe. Instructions are as follows:
- veloToze products are made from a waterproof, flexible material. The Tall Shoe Covers form a seal around your calf to prevent water from entering the shoe cover and the waterproof material keeps water out on the sides.
To ensure water doesn't enter through the cleat holes in the bottom of your shoe, you may need to put a small piece of tape over the vent hole. Here's a video to show you how do to that.
How long do they last?
- veloToze products are designed to be used multiple times, but if you take them on and off carefully and follow the proper care instructions, they can last longer.
For the Tall Shoe Covers, make sure to put on the shoe coverBEFORE your shoe. Instructions are as follows:
- Put on sock
- Place foot through ankle hole, then large cleat hole to pull on shoe cover.
- Then put on shoe. Warning: Shoe cover may tear if you do not FIRST put on shoe cover, then shoe.
- Pull cover over heel of shoe FIRST, then toe
- Ensure no part of shoe covers are over cleats or heel pad. Pull shoe cover off of cleats and heel pad if necessary.
- To remove, follow instructions in reverse order. To make it easier to put them on the next time, add baby powder to inside of shoe covers after wearing.
For the Short Shoe Covers, make sure to put on the shoe cover AFTER your shoe. Basic instructions are as follows:
- Put on sock and shoe
- Pull cover over toe of shoe
- Then pull cover over heel, being careful not to catch cover on cleats
- Ensure no part of shoe covers are over cleats or heel pad. Pull shoe cover off of cleats and heel pad if necessary.
- To remove, follow instructions in reverse order.
How do I clean them?
- To clean shoe covers or Helmet Cover, rinse with cool water or wipe with a cool, wet cloth. Do not put in clothes washer. (see video)
- To dry, hang over a hanger or ledge or wipe with a dry cloth. The material does not absorb water, so they should dry quickly. Do not put in clothes dryer.
- After repeated use, apply talcum or baby powder to inside of shoe covers to prevent sticking
Pro Tips:
- If wearing legwarmers or tall socks, ensure top of Tall Shoe Covers are directly against the skin. If socks or legwarmers are between top of shoe cover and skin, water may enter the shoe cover.
- To prevent water from entering the shoe from the bottom of the shoe, remove insole of shoe and place tape over vent opening.
- Apply talcum powder or baby powder after using the shoe covers to make them easier to put on
- Avoid contact with sharp objects
- Do not store in direct sunlight
- veloToze products are made of a waterproof fabric that allows some vapor transfer. As with most waterproof materials, the fabric has mitigated breathing ability, which will result in some heat and sweat build-up inside the shoe cover. The design of the Short Shoe Cover, Toe Cover and Helmet Cover allow moisture to escape more easily.
- veloToze shoe covers are designed to be waterproof and wind-proof to keep your feet warm. If the weather is hot or you are riding vigorously, your feet may become hot. If they do, simply remove the shoe cover and store it for your next cold weather ride.
What temperature are they best for?
The Tall Shoe Covers are designed for temperatures from around 5C/40F to 16C/60F
The Short Shoe Covers, Toe Covers and Helmet Cover are designed for temperatures from around 10C/50F to 18C/65F
I’m allergic to latex, can I still use them?
- If you have a latex allergy, you should ask your doctor before using veloToze products.
- We currently do not make a version without latex, but we are always developing new products and may offer one in the future.
Do the shoe covers work for mountain biking or cyclocross?
- veloToze makes shoe covers for Road Cycling shoes with cleats and MTB/Gravel shoes with cleats. The material on the bottom of the shoe is likely to tear if they are worn for walking or running on rough surfaces and are therefore unlikely to last more than one or two times if used for cyclocross or other activities. Also, because they cover a portion of the bottom of the shoe, they may be slippery when walking or running on muddy surfaces.
How do I dry them?
- Hang over a hanger or ledge to dry. The material does not absorb water, so they should dry quickly. Keep away from sharp objects. Do not put in clothes dryers.
- Wipe with a wet cloth to clean. Do not put veloToze products into a clothes washing machine.
- veloToze Tall and Short shoe covers, Helmet Covers, and Toe Covers are designed in California and manufactured in Malaysia